Facts and Questions

Online Orders


Please choose carefully when deciding to order a print as they are limited. I am unable to offer returns on items due to change of mind but if items arrive damaged or lost then replacements or refunds will be issued.

Please email me at emily.snowdon6@gmail.com within 3 days if you have any problems with your items that you have received. If you contact me later than this I will be unable to refund or replace your order as I will be unable to put a complaint in with the delivery partner (they require issues to be submitted within 3 days of delivery).

When ordering custom artworks they are unable to be refunded or exchanged due to change of mind. Any printed custom artworks that arrive damaged will be replaced. Original artworks that arrive damaged will be partially or fully refunded depending on damage. This may take 1-2 weeks as it will be lodged with the post company. 

For damaged items please email me a photo of the damaged product, the packaging and the postage label all in the same photo (this is for the delivery partner).

Can I cancel my order?

Unfortunately I am unable to cancel any orders. This is because I am charged a fee by my provider to issue refunds so please choose carefully. 


Do you do commissions? 

Yes! Feel free to email me at emily.snowdon.artist@gmail.com for any questions regarding commissions. 


Can I share your artworks?

Of course! Just please make sure to tag me/credit me when you share.


Can I be a wholesaler of your prints?

Absolutely! Please email emily.snowdon.artist@gmail.com to get a wholesale price list.